The following is a list of useful links that I have compiled which will provide you more information about me. The links are to sites containing copies of my writings as well as my paintings. I have also included links to web pages/sites that I either created, helped to create or maintain.
- Digital Consciouness
- Digital Consciousness is a public database of contemporary art. The art and biographies of emerging and established artists are exhibited through galleries and artist pages. After accessing the web page, simply click on "Artist Database" and select the letter "M" to search for my work, or, simply follow this link -
- Making Progress
- Afterthoughts
- This site showcases my writing as well as some of my most recent paintings.
- The Three Acre universe
- Chivalry
- December
- My Vision
- Soulmates
- Tell Me
- The Promise
Additional links are as follows:
My Sister, My Friend
Tribute To my Angel
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