The Charleston Gold Dome Lions Club and the West Virginia Branch of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) International are hosting the 12th Annual KISS A PIG (KAP) FUNdraising event to raise research dollars for a cure for diabetes and dollars for the Lions Club charities and projects. The KAP Kick-Off will be held on Saturday, February 26th. The KAP Kiss-Off will be Saturday, April 23rd. Both events will be at Appalachian Power Park in Charleston at noon.
Since the pig was the first source of insulin in 1921, the JDRF and Gold Dome Lions recognize and really love the pig (enough to hold a contest to kiss it). Hence they are willing to support and happy to work with the „Kiss A Pig‟ for diabetes awareness program.
Local candidates will campaign to solicit the most votes for their campaign. Each dollar donation counts as a vote. Whoever garners the most votes gets the honor of kissing the pig. Candidates will be secured and will be busily campaigning for the high honor. Votes/dollars can be given (in any quantity) to the candidates for their competition to get the most votes to kiss the pig at high noon on April 23rd. Donations are tax deductible. The search for candidates is on, so why not join the fun.
Candidates will have a chance to campaign and meet the public at several events that will be announced during the campaign. For example, planning includes:
Kick-Off to begin the campaign and Meet the Candidates
Meet the Candidates and fund raising opportunities
Free Diabetes Screenings and Eye Screenings for the public
Campaigning for the Candidates and fund raising opportunities, and
Kiss-Off to select the winning pig kisser
JDRF is the leading charitable funder and advocate of type 1 (juvenile) diabetes research worldwide. The mission of JDRF is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research. "The KAP program is a fun and exciting way for the community to become involved in helping us achieve our mission," said Tammy Owen, JDRF President of the West Virginia Branch. "The KAP program is a wonderful partnership between JDRF and our local Lions Club. We are delighted to work together to raise the awareness of the dangers of diabetes, the benefits of early detection and the ongoing necessary research to find a cure."
Lions Clubs in West Virginia and all over the world heavily concentrate on projects to help the blind and visually impaired. Darrell Jennings, President of the Charleston Gold Dome Lions Club (and a diabetic), said, "We as Lions members are aware of the problems that diabetes can cause on sight and we are pleased to embrace a project that will help make everyone aware of diabetes and its potential complications. Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness. We hope everyone will join our efforts and ROOT for their candidates who will HAM it up to bring home the BACON."
For more information about Lions Clubs and JDRF visit and